How The Philippines Manages 7,641 Islands

The Philippines is a complex archipelago nation in the northeast of Southeast Asia, made up of 7,641 islands across an area that’s… probably larger than you think it is. This area is well known for having plenty of Spanish influences, but what were these islands like before the Spanish came? Furthermore, why was and is the archipelago so important? And how does the modern country integrate all 7,000 of its islands? First, let’s understand Philippine geography for context.

The modern Philippines can be easily divided into three island groups; Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao. Luzon as a region holds around 62 million people, while the island of Luzon by itself has a population of 53 million, alone making up more than half of the country’s population.

Luzon is also home to what’s known as Metro Manila, a megacity of 13 million made up of a collection of different cities, including the capital Manila and the largest individual city Quezon City. The city of ​​Manila is the densest city in the world, with more than 43,000 people per square kilometer. That’s like 0.

04 people per square meter! For context, Macau, the most densely populated territory in the world, holds around 21,000 per square kilometer. In fact, the 2nd, 3rd, and 6th densest cities in the world are also located within Metro Manila. Luzon as a whole is highly urbanized, with some of the country’s biggest and most important deepwater ports, and accounts for nearly ⅔ of the country’s GDP.

As a region, Luzon is also associated with islands such as Mindoro and Palawan (together the Mimaropa Region) to the southwest, as well as the Bicol Region to the southeast.

Second are the Visayas, comprised primarily of Bohol, Cebu, Leyte, Negros, Panay, and Samar, though Palawan can sometimes also be included in this list. These islands speak several different yet closely related Visayan (or Bisayan) dialects, and are also where Ferdinand Magellan first landed, and was later killed. Lastly, Mindanao is the southernmost cluster of islands, and its western portion remains predominantly Muslim to this day. Mindanao itself is the second largest island after Luzon and is home to 26 million people, many of whom live in the largest city, Davao.

Mindanao however is also one of the poorer areas of the country, making up only 17% of the national economy, largely supported by agriculture, fishing, and forestry.

But before we learn more about what this country is like and what challenges it has to deal with nowadays… no no no, this is not an ad break, this video isn’t sponsored. What I was going to ask was, what was it like in the past? More specifically, what was it like before the Spanish arrived? These islands and these regions are essentially only one country because of, well, Spanish colonialism. Before the Spanish first arrived however, the map was a lot more fractured.

The first credible written record in the Philippines– written in a mixture of Old Javanese, Old Malay, and Sanskrit– dates back to around AD 900.

However the Philippine cultures also developed their own writing system from the 14th-16th centuries, an abugida known as Baybayin. I very briefly mentioned it in my video on why India (and also Southeast Asia) has so many writing systems, but Baybayin is part of the Brahmic family of writing systems, a descendant of Kawi, which itself descended from Brahmi, which may or may not (it’s still very disputed) descend from Aramaic, itself sharing a common ancestor with scripts including the likes of Latin, Cyrillic, and Arabic: Phoenician.

Back in those days, the islands were home to a whole host of different polities. While certain areas were often controlled by outside powers like the Brunei Sultanate, it was also home to small polities like Ma-i and Tondo.

These states often adopted a form of government known as Barangay, as small polities anywhere in size from small communities to city-states.

Rulers took one of many different titles depending on their region, from Sultans in Islamized areas, to Rajahs where there had been extensive contact with Malaysia and Indonesia, to Lakans among the Tagalogs. Interestingly, Barangays are a thing in the modern Philippines as well, though these centuries they’re the smallest administrative division in the country, just below municipalities, themselves just below the provincial level. As if to show just how diverse they have always been, the Philippines is divided into 134 ethno-linguistic groups, with 135 languages native to the country, the 135th being the national language Filipino, a variety of the Tagalog language, co-official in government alongside English. I guess it’s a little like how Indonesia’s national language, also to unite a group speaking hundreds of native languages across a diverse archipelago nation, is a Malay-based dialect called Indonesian.

With English being an official language alongside Filipino– and thus being a mandatory subject in school, while Spanish has no longer been required for decades now– the Philippines technically has the fourth largest population of English speakers in the world, with 30,000… native speakers, and around 90 million speakers in total.

The Philippines is one of the few countries in Asia to have Christianity as its major religion– I probably don’t need to tell you this is– because colonialism. Before they were taken over by the Spanish though, the Philippines were largely Islamic, and Hindu before that, and early folk beliefs before that, and part of Pangea before that. Back in the 14th century an explorer named Makhdum Karim left his province of Malacca, bringing Islam to the Philippines. He converted the Hindu King Rajah Baguinda of the Sultanate of Sulu to Islam (no, Star Trek fans, that is not a coincidence), then marrying his daughter.

Islam became increasingly popular after this conversion, following an inflow of Muslim traders from the Middle East, Malaysia and India.

Today the oldest mosque in the county is named after him, but just 140 years later another influential guy would show up in the Philippines. His name was Ferdinand Magellan. When it comes to colonialism, the Philippines is sort of like a reverse Thailand. When Magellan came to the islands in 1521 he claimed the archipelago for the Spanish crown, naming it after his friend Phil.

Then he was shot by an arrow and fatally killed on the island of Mactan.

Three further expeditions were sent, all ending in disaster, with Miguel López de Legazpi establishing the first Spanish settlement on the islands in Cebu in 1565, and Manila six years later. Alongside the soldiers however also came missionaries with the aim of converting the local population to Roman Catholicism, a mission which nowadays seems to have been about 82.9-85% successful, with the notable exception of the Muslim sultanates of Mindanao and Sulu. Then, to very briefly summarize things, there was a series of revolts throughout the 19th century, which were brutally suppressed, until the rebels started to gain the upper hand, at which point the US went in and basically said, “hey, y’all want some help fighting the Spanish (in exchange for another 50 years of foreign rule)?

” Traveling between the islands, both historically and in modern times is primarily done by… well you’re looking at the map, how do you think they go between islands?

The Rocinante? Aside from $20 Cebu Pacific flights, there also exist a series of privately and publicly-run ferries.

Many of these ferries might serve the Philippine Nautical Highway System, also called the Road Roll-on/Roll-Off Terminal (or RoRo) System, a series of three different integrated highway and ferry routes forming the backbone of the national transport system. Navigating within islands can also be difficult though, as these tropical, volcanic islands are incredibly mountainous and extremely forested.

Now you remember how I talked about how dense Metro Manila can be?

Turns out that also applies to cars, as Manila is infamous for its traffic (who’d have thought the densest city in the world wouldn’t be a good place for the least density-friendly form of urban transport imaginable?). According to the TomTom Traffic Index (as of 2019, just so we don’t have to account for COVID lockdowns), Manila was ranked 2nd most congested city in the world, scoring 71%, meaning a trip from point A to point B took on average 71% longer than it would have without congestion. It also doesn’t help how little the city’s public transport truly serves the demand it receives, with long waits for the MRT or LRT not unheard of.

Thus it is clear that Manila needs help with its mass transit woes (not you, Elon).

In addition, with them literally lying on their own tectonic plate, the Philippines is often subject to intense earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (I swear I’m not the only one noticing parallels between the Philippines and Indonesia, am I?). The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in particular required more than 20,000 be evacuated. Combine this with the increasingly frequent and violent typhoons due to man-made climate change, and the struggle of keeping up well functioning infrastructure becomes more and more apparent.

Even with all these geographical challenges to contend with though, the Philippines is still one of the most important countries in the Asia/Pacific region, even if they’re routinely forgotten about through what I like to call the New Zealand Effect.


Own A Jeepney Business


Own A Jeepney Business

A great deal of outsiders who come to live in the Philippines are continually searching for is a business where they can bring in sufficient cash with the goal that they can live here. A many individuals who move here don’t have ordinary floods of pay available to them, and don’t have a ton of investment funds developed that they can live from. One of the organizations a many individuals talk about is the Own A Jeepney business.

Albeit the matter of possessing an armada of Own Jeepney Business is somewhat romanticized by numerous outsiders, it’s anything but a truly extreme business. Particularly in this day and age of high fuel (or diesel) costs, it’s difficult to get a lot of cash-flow from Own A Jeepney Business, as I would like to think. On the off chance that you consider how much the Own A Jeepney Business admission was at the time I moved here in 2011, it has expanded, however not almost at the rate that fuel has expanded.

The plan of action for the vast majority who have sufficient cash to purchase a couple of Jeepneys is that they purchase the Jeepneys and afterward they lease them out to drivers. The drivers then gather an admission from every traveler who rides that day, and whatever he makes over the rental that he paid, that is his benefit for the afternoon. Support expenses of the vehicle are for the Own A Jeepney Business proprietor to deal with. On the off chance that the Jeepney isn’t running, there will be no cash for rental that day!

I have not heard for a couple of years, however last I heard, the driver would pay around P800 each day for rental of the Jeepney. When that the entirety of the expenses are deducted, it genuinely doesn’t leave that much for the proprietor. How about we see… what sort of expenses would be included?

Cost of the Jeepney – perhaps $10,000 or something like that.

Deterioration of the Jeepney – these things are dealt with pretty generally.

Fix and Maintenance Costs – everything from Oil Changes to Engine Repairs

Cost on schedule – Your time is worth cash, and you will invest energy pursuing down individuals to drive, and so forth

With everything taken into account, I for one don’t accept that there is a ton of cash to be made around here. Apparently the record bears me out as well, on the grounds that most outsiders who get into this kind of business wind up leaving business inside a year or thereabouts, from what I’ve seen.

A couple different interesting points on this… local people don’t actually like having an outsider get into this specific business. They will give you solid contest to drive you bankrupt. Furthermore, you can’t simply purchase a Jeepney and go out and fire cruising all over getting travelers. You should get endorsed by the public authority to run on a specific course.

You can’t change to an alternate highway one day in light of the fact that there are no travelers – you should follow the course that you are allocated. Likewise, they will not give everyone a course. On the off chance that every one of the courses as of now have the greatest measure of Jeepneys, you are stuck between a rock and a hard place!

Thus, perhaps it’s a superior plan to look out an alternate business. Obviously, your situation will be unique!

A lot Changes over the years About Owning a Jeepney Business. Before you attempt it, find out the new rules and regulations. Also With the new implementation of the Electric Jeepney by the Philippines Government, it might be a task to keep your business afloat.

It’s Now Fruit Season

It’s Now Fruit Season

It’s Now Fruit Season . I’ve been seeing portions of my Top picks now that it’s Now Fruit Season and they are available in the Markets. When it’s now Fruit Season , they are plenty to choose from. I Been getting some as of now. Joe and I were headed off some where 2 days ago, and noticed some pomelo, so we stopped and grabbed some. It was succulent and acceptable in price also. They also had Mangosten there at that market stand, I simply didn’t buy it yet, due to the fact that it’s Fruit Season Again, the first batches are quite high in price.

Is it Fruit Season Again, and I can get it literally from my family who lives in out in the provinces. They don’t often come here in the city. At the point when they come here I will request that they present to us a few.

At one point when me and my niece went to the wet market a couple of days prior. We purchased several kinds, being is it Fruit Season Again they had some green mango, rambutan, ready mango (the yellow one), Marang, Lanzones, Guava, Santol and Banana (additionally the truly ready Banana that is useful for making Banana Bread). I love when is it Fruit Season Again, at some point when all fruits are in full season the cost is so sensible. We all here in the house like to eat the delicious Fruits Of the Philippines.

Positive Influences

Positive Influences

Positive Influences from companions you pick affect your own demeanor, wouldn’t you say? I accept that it is absolutely reality. That is valid here in the Philippines, or anyplace you live.

A couple of days prior, I made a post on my about a gathering that I would have been going to here in Davao. It’s anything but a gathering comprised of other ex-pats who meet two times a month to discuss different things about living in Davao. The name of the gathering is See you in Mindanao. I went to their gathering on Wednesday. I discovered the gathering to be Positive Influences , with a decent mentality, and the folks were truly charming to be near. All things considered, I made some great memories, and I plan to return again for future gatherings!

There is another comparative gathering, however, that I know about that is somewhat unique. This gathering (which I won’t name, that would fill no need) is additionally an ex-pat gathering that meets routinely. This gathering, however, is by all accounts a gathering of ex-pats that social affair to grumble about the Philippines. They grumble about the life here. They gripe about the things that should be changed. They grumble about individuals. Fundamentally, they grumble about everything. I can’t think about a solitary issue that they have had anything of a Positive Influences to say about living in the Philippines.

From the start, when I was welcome to the See you in Mindanao meeting, I was stressed that they may be this other gathering that I referenced. Be that as it may, I chose to proceed to look at it to see with my own eyes. I’m happy I went, on the grounds that I met a few group who could be old buddies later on.

It’s something interesting, yet you frequently run into gatherings of ex-pats who gripe! They discover deficiency in everything around them, and they think back about their nation of origin, while reviling the Philippines. Presently, look, I am quick to concede that there is no ideal put on the earth, and the Philippines has a lot of issues that should be tended to. However, for myself, I like it here. I appreciate living here. Indeed, once in a while things happen that get me disturbed, I suppose that is human instinct. Yet, in general, I am content with my life.

There was a period a couple of years back when I spent time with certain individuals who were grumblers. Furthermore, in my experience, when you spend time with individuals who see only awful, it will in general put those equivalent glasses on you, and soon everything you can see is the awful.

A companion of mine had fallen into a similar drain as I had (perhaps we didn’t fall in, however were on the slant, traveled that way). He energized me that we should change our standpoint. Indeed, even by changing the words we used to discuss what we saw, we had the option to have an alternate inclination. For example, when we saw something that we would once call “dumb,” rather we would say it was “interesting.”

For instance, we would see someone accomplishing something such that we were not used to seeing. In the past we would say “see that person, the manner in which he is doing that is truly idiotic!” Instead, by saying “take a gander at the person, the manner in which he is doing that is truly captivating, I have never seen it done that way,” you would have an entirely unexpected inclination in your heart and to you. Fundamentally, you were saying exactly the same thing, yet the language you picked gave you an alternate picture. Attempt this, you will find that it truly works.

I regularly wonder, for these folks who always really grumble about the Philippines, for what reason do they decide to live here? It would surely appear to be that if a spot was that terrible, wouldn’t they decide to move somewhere else? I realize that I would.

With everything taken into account, the exercise here is that you have the chance to pick your Positive Influences. You will pick who you spend time with, and who you get things done with. At the point when you pick Positive Influences individuals with an uplifting outlook, you will by and large have an inspirational perspective as well. The opposite is valid too, sadly!

Your Treasured Items

Your Treasured Items

Several individuals have Questions  about Bringing Your Treasured Items with you when they come, and how much obligation they should pay to the Philippine Customs for that. I figured I would post this data with the expectation that you will see the data you are searching for. Likewise, I am certain that others will require this data too.

Any of the visas that give you occupant status in the Philippines, which would incorporate the Special Retirement Visa and furthermore the “13” arrangement of visas offer you a chance to bring Your Treasured Items. The law is composed that you can raise to $10,000 worth of merchandise without need to settle any assessments or expenses to the Philippine Government.

I entered the Philippines on the Balikbayan Privilege’s – implying that with my significant other as a previous Philippine resident, they award the entirety of our family 1 year liberated from stay here. At the hour of my entrance (2011) the equivalent $10,000 esteem was set up for the worth of the effects that you could bring. Indeed, we brought significantly more than $10,000 worth of stuff, and no expenses or charges were forced. The traditions authorities didn’t appear to mind how much there was.

There is one trick – and this is something that the traditions authorities saved a nearby eye for – you CANNOT acquire a vehicle as a component of your tax exempt recompense. On a vehicle, the traditions obligation is 100% of the first price tag. In this way, in the event that you paid $20,000 for a vehicle 10 years prior and bring it here, you should pay $20,000 in traditions charges. As I would like to think, it’s ideal to simply offer your vehicle prior to going to the Philippines and purchase another one here.

Presently, remember that the law says you should pay customs on anything more than $10,000. Along these lines, in the event that they choose to charge you, you need to pay it! In any case, by and by, myself as well as other people that I have heard from have not needed to pay any expenses on the worth more than $10,000 in Your Treasured Items.